You will be observing a video today covering universal gravity. You are to answer questions relating to the video or send questions to me about the video if you do not understand. Stay focus. This is a grade.
Melanie- If the distance between two planets increased by 5 times the force would increase because the other planets force isn't there trying to pull you towards it.
Our experience of weight is due to the _____ of earth on our bodies.
Paul Hewitt is traing to explaing the inverse square law. The further the object moves away from the light (gravity) it decrease proportionally. Say a person is in space at 10 meters away from the earth, he only feels 1/10 of the gravity.
does my comment work?
Sup Mrs. Wilkes.
hey Ms. Wilkes
wuz good!
I'm in your computer now
hello its melanie
that's what she said
joel u gay lol
okay i got it
You will be watching a video coveing universal gravity.
Question 1 What did newton say about gravity?
turtle physics :D
gravity is universal
puff puff pass
gravity is universal
gravity works hard everyday :D
Newton discovered that gravity is universal :O
he discovered that gravity is universal
your mean !
gravity is universal
Newton discovered that gravity is universal and that it is everywhere
Melanie-Newton discovered that gravity is universal. It can always be found by the same equation anywhere.
he said that gravity is universal so it is everywhere
gravity is universal
its universal:))
gravity extends everywere
What did newton say about gravity?
Newton says universal and it is everywhere.
Question 1 What did newton say about gravity?
gravity is universal
If the distace between two planets increase by 5 times its original distance what will happen to the force?
Gravity is universal
The force is 25 times greater
25 times greater
it is 25 times bigger
the force is 25 times greater
25 times greater
the force is 25 times greater
it will decrease proportionally
Gravity is universal
25 times greater
25X as much
:im lost :/
Im lost
11 minutes til class is over
i dont get nothing the guy is saying
the force decreases :DDD
it will decrease
If the distace between two planets increase by 5 times its original distance what will happen to the force?
I dont know the answer.HELP MRS WIKES
If the distance between two planets increased by 5 times the force would increase because the other planets force isn't there trying to pull you towards it.
Our experience of weight is due to the _____ of earth on our bodies.
Paul Hewitt is traing to explaing the inverse square law. The further the object moves away from the light (gravity) it decrease proportionally. Say a person is in space at 10 meters away from the earth, he only feels 1/10 of the gravity.
i know it took like 20 min just to set up the computers X]
nancy dnt panic!!!
its due to the force of gravity effecting our bodies
the Force decreases by the square of the number
2 m = 4
3 = 9
4 = 16
force of gravity
:dnt no :(
do you prefer to fill out a sheet of paper, send comments over the bog onr use a chat room
force of gravity
An update to my last comment is that that's what I meant as you go further away the force of the planets on each other decreases.
dont matter :/
I would prefer to chat. (save trees!)
comments over the blog
i prefer the blog
paper better, this is just annoying..
send comments
chat room or blog is better
The chat room is cool-er.
Save the trees.
i lik doing the blog instead of filling out a piece of paper
I like this so i say we shall used it sometimes :)
yes because th edistance square increases:D
I liked blogging too
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