Monday, August 29, 2011

Pre-AP Physics Reading Assignment - Acceleration

Good Evening Class,
Tonight, you will be reading section 2-2 of your textbook, titled Acceleration. Pay close attention to the equations and graphs. We will be discussing this in class on tomorrow. Here are some general rules:
1. Your comment must be about the topic.
2. You may ask questions.
3. If you believe you know the answer to someone question, you may answer before I do. I will indicate if you are right.
4. Blogging ends at 9:30pm.

While you are reading get a picture of yourself riding on a subway train and imagine how you would feel as the train constantly accelerates (both positive and negative). What do you think is happining?

After reading, send your explanation of the following:

As a margle rolls down an incline plane, describe the motion of the marble at the top and bottom of the incline. If you increase the angle of the incline, what happens to the rate of acceleration? What is the maximum amount of accelertion for any falling object on earth?

Look at the graph on page 50, if the graph continues, the velociy would become negative. What does this indicate about the object?

I may not be able to answer all of the question tonight but will read them all. If not I will address them in class.

Okay, enjoy your reading!