Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Video Blogging

I have decided to use this blog page for my Physics Classes. To initiate the usage, we will make blog comments using an I-pod touch or a computer to my entries as we watch a video on Gravitational Attractions.


klhsfjkhgjf :) said...


josez said...

Let's get this going miss wilkes!!

Unknown said...

good morning ms wilkes :)

abe_321 said...


Sanos93 said...

Man you better move around with this...

MarshMello said...


Unknown said...

Ms. Wilkes, Regarding Your 'Blog', I Am Now Officially Commenting On Your Blog. You May Now Commence Your Video. Best Regards, Irwin.

"Once A Scrub, Always A Scrub." - Albert Einstein

Anonymous said...

mornin mrs.wilkes

Jose Vasquez said...

good morning Ms. Wilkes

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

Today video lesson is covering universla gravitation. What do you know about gravity?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brianna Duvall said...

yay i did it!!

Unknown said...

What up

Unknown said...

9.8m/ pulls you down

Unknown said...

this guy is creepy

Brianna Duvall said...

that it increases the more inward towards earth you get.

Anonymous said...

Is he chuck norris' cousin??!?!?

klhsfjkhgjf :) said...

Genesis: -Gravity is 9.8 m/s
-The higher you get off the earth, the less gravity there is.
-On space, there's zero gravity, Rockets travel so fastt.

Sanos93 said...

Gravity is of no concern if it doesn't affect you. The speed of gravity is 9.8 m/s squared. Gravity is what keeps you on the earth's surface.

Jose Vasquez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

g=9.8m/s and it pulls you down

josez said...

gravity, is a natural phenomenon in which objects with mass attract one another.

klhsfjkhgjf :) said...

isaac newton.
The caveman knew about gravity.

Anonymous said...

know what im saying!!! Jose Razo

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

Who develop the law of universal gravity and what did he discover?

Unknown said...

gravity is universal

MarshMello said...

Its 9.8m/s
gravity is universal.

Unknown said...

i think im on now??

Brianna Duvall said...

Issac Newton and that gravity is universal

Amanda and Lily said...

Newton discovered that gravity is universal.

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

If the distance between the objects increase what happens to the force?

Unknown said...

Why are we watching this? -big mac

Jose Vasquez said...

isaac newton-----jose vasquez

gino c said...

Gravity is UNIVERSAL!
its everywhere, a force that pulls you down.

Unknown said...

gravity is the force that keeps us from floating(:

josez said...


MarshMello said...

Isaac newton. The Law of gravity

Anonymous said...

is this guy on some drugs??? JOse

klhsfjkhgjf :) said...

isaac newton.

Unknown said...

it will increase

Sanos93 said...

As the distance between both objects increase the gravity decreases.

Unknown said...

the force is cut in half by 1/4

Unknown said...

M'am, It Seems As Though Some Of My Fellow Pupils Find This Process 'Frustrating'. It Seems That Maybe The So Called 'Blogspot' Is Probably Run By A Hierachy Of Bigots. That Maybe, Possibly, 'Blogspot' Is Biased. Its, Pheasable, And Plausible. But Is It Accurate, Is The Question. Linguistic Skills Are Just For Kicks And Giggles, But Phyisics, You Use That Everyday And Every Minute Of Everyday. Wait A Moment, Thats NOT Physics, That's Math. Then When Do We Truly Use Physics, Unless We Become Roller Coaster Designers, Or Any Physics Integrated Occupation. Then Making A Whole Complete Blog Page About The Matter Might Seem A Little... Conspicious. But That Would Be Too Facile, Too Glib. The Whole Idea Is To Have Your Students, My Fellow Pupils, Indiviually Participate, Maybe To An Extreneous Point, With The Video Learning Process. Best Regars, Irwin.

"When You Fail, Just Give Up." Albert Einstein

MarshMello said...

The force decreases.

josez said...

Isaac newton law of gravity

Jose Vasquez said...

so we can learn-missy

gino c said...

issac newton discovered that gravity was universal. f-(m1m2)/d2

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

Our experience of weight is due to what?

klhsfjkhgjf :) said...

Every time you jump, you experience gravity. It pulls you back down to the ground. Without gravity, you'd float off into the atmosphere -- along with all of the other matter on Earth.

You see gravity at work any time you drop a book, step on a scale or toss a ball up into the air. It's such a constant presence in our lives, we seldom marvel at the mystery of it, but even with several well-received theories out there attempting to explain why a book falls to the ground (and at the same rate as a pebble or a couch, at that), they're still just theories. The mystery of gravity's pull is pretty much intact.

Unknown said...

r we gonna finish the video today?

Unknown said...

extremely enthusiastic,this movie makes me feel.although i do have a strong attraction to the instructor, but my strong desire to learn physcis overcomes and defeats the allure for the adosis of a men.

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

In your own words what does the inverse square law means?

gino c said...

if the distance between objects increase then the force decreases. because the closer you are to an object the stronger the attraction.

Unknown said...

force decreaced

Anonymous said...

F=M1,M2/D^2 Great equation!

Unknown said...

when tyhe objects are far away the force decreases

Unknown said...

if the distance between objects increase then the force decreases. because the closer you are to an object the stronger the attraction.

gino c said...

inverse square law is a law in physics stating that the magnitude of a physical quantity varies inversely with the square of its distance from its source

MarshMello said...

The inverse-square law generally applies when some force, energy, or other conserved quantity is radiated outward radially from a point source

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

How far from the earth would you have to travel to escape the earth's gravity?

klhsfjkhgjf :) said...

In physics the inverse square law states that any quantity of force or strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from its source, for example light and radiation!

Unknown said...

ms. wilkes, or turtle queen, i deserve a cookie b/c im getting all these questions right, ha!

josez said...

due to the fact that the gravitational force of the earth is weighting us down, subsequently providing humans with a specific numeral denomination that is considered our weight

Unknown said...

My Knowledge Of Gravity Is Most Definetely Minute Compared To That Knowledge Unknown To Us. Gravity Is Omnipresent, At Least Here On Earth. Without Gravity One Couldn't Completely Express The Emotion Of Sadness, For We Need Gravitational Force To Cry. If Gravity Were To Dissipate To Where There Was Very Little Gravity We Would Lose Muscle Mass.
And I Don't Quite Understand "Klhsfjkhgjf".
We Know Why They Fall At The Same Rate, It's Due To The Gravitational Pull. It Effects All Objects The Same.
Certain objects Don't Get Different Effects Of Gravity Due To Their Composure, Mass, Or Structure.

Sarahi said...

Hey Ms.Wilkes Wassup Alejandro Said Lets Go To El Chaparral

Miss Shoeless said...

is it working? O.O

Huy.Le=.= said...

Good morning Mrs.Wilkes ^^ =.= =,= ^.^ >,<

perezale002 said...

wass good wilkes!! pr 2 alejandro

Anonymous said...

Heyy :)

penguinsarebetterthanturtles12 said...

papoy? oooo papoy!!

Reyna said...

hey it's reyna

Reyna said...

Mrs.Wilkes wrote the first comment ;) not me....

Jason said...

Whats with turtles?

Huy.Le=.= said...

Let's go Physics people !! ^.^

jazmin said...

hey its me jazmin

Faliq-Gather-Yourself said...

hi my name is faliq maduka and i am frome the manzuka tribe

Chelsea Acorn said...

Whats up omar!? lol

Jason said...

This is dumb.

Miss Shoeless said...

any day now... -__-

adriana:) said...


Unknown said...

Once A Scrub, Always A Scrub." - Albert Einstein
Genesis: -Gravity is 9.8 m/s
-The higher you get off the earth, the less gravity there is.
-On space, there's zero gravity, Rockets travel so fastt.
"When You Fail, Just Give Up." Albert EinsteinMy Knowledge Of Gravity Is Most Definetely Minute Compared To That Knowledge Unknown To Us. Gravity Is Omnipresent, At Least Here On Earth. Without Gravity One Couldn't Completely Express The Emotion Of Sadness, For We Need Gravitational Force To Cry. If Gravity Were To Dissipate To Where There Was Very Little Gravity We Would Lose Muscle Mass.
And I Don't Quite Understand "Klhsfjkhgjf".
We Know Why They Fall At The Same Rate, It's Due To The Gravitational Pull. It Effects All Objects The Same.
Certain objects Don't Get Different Effects Of Gravity Due To Their Composure, Mass, Or Structure.

Chelsea Acorn said...

adrianaaaa!! :)

cynthiar2 said...

hey nancy:)

Huy.Le=.= said...

The gravity of the Sun pull all the planets go around it.

Chelsea Acorn said...

Mrs.Wilkes this is chelsea alarcon :) just lettin u know!

Jason said...

This guy is a babbling idiot.

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

Hello Period 2, I need you to watch the video and send your comments to me about the video. Throughout the video I will post questions and you can send questions to me and make comments to other in class as long as it is about the video. Oh, we may have visitors so stay focus

Omar said...

Was Good chelseee;]

Unknown said...

A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.

Miss Shoeless said...

the universal law of gravtiation

Unknown said...

Hello! I don't know what im supposed to say...

bboutarfa said...

what it is lol

adriana:) said...

what u doingg??:)

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

What happens to the gravitation force as the distance increses between two planets?

bboutarfa said...

this guy is creepy

Chelsea Acorn said...

the gravitational force decreases... tyhe further away less pull

Huy.Le=.= said...

decrease =,=

Miss Shoeless said...

it weakens?

Unknown said...

the force between the two planets is decreased.

Jason said...

The force between them decreases.

Anonymous said...

The force of gravity between two objects decreases as the square of the distance between them.

Unknown said...

The force of gravity between two objects decreases...?

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

What happens to your weight if the mass of the earth became twice as large?

jazmin said...

Well WHat I mknw About Gravity Is That It pulls every thing down and its 9.8

Miss Shoeless said...

we would be lighter? :>

charles.jr.the.situation said...

supp ms.wilkes... how about we chill be on facebook and watch something else other then this noob on this video!! 8)

Jason said...

Weight increases?

Chelsea Acorn said...

your weight decreases... right?

Unknown said...

gravity is 9.8 and is the same as acceleration

joselyn said...

I think Mrs Wilkes that garavity is the same as acceleration so it's 9.8

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

Elle have Falaq logged on?

Huy.Le=.= said...

my mass increase twice also

Reyna said...

Gravity pulls everything down and the force decreases

bboutarfa said...

it would change-collin
duh -brittany

cynthiar2 said...

it increases

Faliq-Gather-Yourself said...

im here!!!!!

penguinsarebetterthanturtles12 said...

yes miss wilkes <3 anything for you! :D

joselyn said...

it was Isac Newton who discover that gravity was universal :)

Omar said...

watch the movie mann?

perezale002 said...

you weight will decrease

Unknown said...

the universal gravity was discovered by isac newton and he discoverd that all the objects fall at the same speed

Faliq-Gather-Yourself said...

your wieght increases

jazmin said...

I thing If the mass of earth becomes twice as much ny weight is going to be mmore too.! its going to increase

Sarahi said...

The weight Will Decrease...Maine Ms. This Is Complicated And Fast And I Dont Get It Dohh!!

Unknown said...


jazmin said...

on the video he is saying that the oon and the earth are pulling on each other so i thing theres more gravity

Unknown said...



cOllincavallo said...

(insert comment here)

Ms. Deborah Wilkes said...

Everything pulls on everything else. What equation did he use to prove that concept?

Faliq-Gather-Yourself said...


joselyn said...

the force will increase

Unknown said...

the force increase

charles.jr.the.situation said...

"charleston get off facebook- ms. wilkes
"im poking back to thos who poked me ms wilkes!!" - charles