Monday, June 23, 2008

Thing 2
I have reviewed "Thing 2" at least four times. This process of getting the correct information onto the blog page has really allowed me to put the seven 1/2 habits into practice. I knew where I wanted to go with this blog page from the moment I started. I am willing the accept the responsibility of learning how to use it and maintain the page. I feel that it will be great tool for my students as another means of communication. As far as viewing this as a challenge, I have found it to be a little out of my norm, but I believe in myself. Personally, I don't like losing and refuse to let this system beat me. Due to the fact, that I did not understand the process, I create my own tool box consisting of a note pad, pens, pencil and color pencils. This allows me to take notes as I read or listen to the programs. I plan to definitely use this to my advantage to increase communication and while reviewing the lessons, a phone call interrupted my learning which lead me to discussing the process I am going through, which means I have already begun the teaching and playing section of a life-long learner.

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